
Performing Arts


Performing Arts

The Performing Arts are a vibrant part of the educational experience at Scotch College.

Through curricular and co-curricular opportunities, our vibrant performing arts programme allows students to explore their creativity in a positive environment. Led by dedicated and experienced staff and industry professionals, Music, Dance and Drama students develop unique skills that allow them to perform and collaborate in an authentic way alongside fellow students and in front of audiences.

Scotch has a range of Performing Arts facilities including one of South Australia’s few heritage theatres, built in 1885 by the Barr Smith family.

The theatre was restored in 1981 and it now provides a performing and studio space for many of our activities. Other facilities include an outdoor Amphitheatre, a restored Victorian drawing room, an extensive music suite, ‘SoundHouse’ music technology room and recording studio, a chapel and dance studios.


Scotch students have the opportunity to undertake formal foundation studies of the Performing Arts as part of their scheduled school lessons. In the Middle School and Senior School, the following areas represent the Performing Arts: Drama, Music, Dance and Musicals.

Scotch students have a long tradition of successful endeavours in the Performing Arts and many Old Collegians are now pursuing professional careers as actors, musicians, dancers and film makers following their foundation studies at Scotch.

Scotch Music provides students with a wealth of opportunities to play, sing, listen and create. Our Year 7-12 classroom curriculum builds upon active music making principles through a process of collaboration, composing, rehearsing, and regularly performing. Students develop and refine skills in aural perception, music reading and writing, composing using technologies as well as instrumental and vocal skills.

Students also can access private instrumental and lessons during school hours provided by experienced specialist teachers. We also offer a broad range of co-curricular opportunities through our Instrumental and Vocal Ensemble programs.

Instrumental Ensemble Program

The Ensemble Music Program at Scotch allows students to develop skills on an instrument of their choice through weekly private tuition and participation in the ensemble program. The Tuesday Ensemble program is specifically designed to allow every student an opportunity to play with a core ensemble and then audition for an extension ensemble. A team of experienced and skilled music tutors and directors work with each of these groups. Students enjoy the diverse range of musical styles and the opportunity to perform with each other in groups.

Core Ensembles:

  • Symphonic Band (advanced wind, brass and percussion students)
  • Concert Band (beginner and intermediate wind, brass and percussion students)
  • String Orchestra (open for all violin, viola, cello and double bass students)
  • Guitar Ensemble (caters for the acoustic guitar genre)
  • Rock Bands (caters for electric instruments and rock genre)
  • Scotch Orchestra (all string, wind, brass and percussion students perform together at signature events)

Extension Ensembles:

  • Stage Bands (includes wind, brass and percussion students interested in jazz through audition or invitation)
  • String Quintet (includes string players though audition or invitation)
  • Chamber & Scotch Orchestra (through invitation)
Vocal Ensemble Program

Scotch has built a proud tradition of being a strong choral school. Through gender based singing groups we use a range of repertoire and Kodaly principles to engage and extend student confidence with pitch, blend and vocal independence. All vocal ensembles participate in regular performances with our annual Cathedral Concerts being a College highlight.

Core Ensembles:

  • Scotch Nota MSG (Years 7-9 girls)
  • Scotch Nota MSB (Years 7-9 boys)
  • Scotch Nota SSG (Years 10-12 girls)
  • Scotch Nota SSB (Years 10-12 boys)

Extension Ensembles (auditions required or by invitation):

  • Leomhann Voices (Middle School) (Years 8 & 9)
  • Leomhann Voices (Small Ensemble) (Years 10-12)
  • Leomhann Voices (Large Ensemble) (Years 10-12)

Drama at Scotch College allows students to participate in the planning, rehearsal and performance of dramatic work in a range of mediums.

In years 7 to 12 students perform semesterly to a live audience and participate in creative problem-solving; they generate, analyse and evaluate ideas. We are privileged to have access to superb Industry Professionals from State, National and worldwide companies and aspects of film and theatre. Many of our old scholars are highly successful in several areas of the arts and generously give their expertise and time to the learning of current students.

Students are also given the opportunity to participate in workshops and both internal and external opportunities in their home state and international arts community. They develop personal interpretations of texts and can explore the philosophical, historical and artistic movements that inspire and navigate production and performance elements within film, television and theatre processes and outcomes. Students develop their curiosity and imagination, creativity, individuality, self-identity, self-esteem and confidence.

The focus capabilities for this subject are communication, citizenship, personal development and learning.

Our vision for Dance at Scotch is to provide opportunities and experiences that deepen student appreciation and understanding of Dance as a creative artform.

Our offering is unique; we deliver a rigorous curriculum across the school, side by side with our co-curricular Dance@Scotch classes from Prep to Senior School. Beginning in ELC and continuing right through to SACE, the Dance@Scotch program offers students the opportunity to enrol in dedicated dance subjects, as well as after school dance classes.

At all entry points students can delve into an authentic experience of Dance as a choreographer, technician, performer and even critic.

Our faculty is made up of industry professionals that have vast experiences as professional dancers and teachers. Each year, participants in the program perform in 2 large scale performances and enjoy live performances and workshops throughout the year.

This program aspires to promote lifelong learning within the Arts, mould avid audience members and develop and encourage those seeking a career in this diverse industry.

Dance @ Scotch Classes include Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Ballet and Contemporary.

Scotch College is regarded as South Australia’s leading Performing Arts School (Peter Goers) and we have established a long and proud tradition for producing outstanding Musicals that compliment and build upon the strong curriculum foundations provided through a comprehensive and inclusive Dance, Drama and Music program from Reception to Year 12.

Students involved in Senior School Scotch Musicals are immersed in 6 months of detailed preparation with skill development provided by industry professionals. Our Junior School also creates a musical production inclusive of all junior year levels every 2 years.

When it’s time to step on stage, our students shine because our production values are also second to none.

All Performing Arts timetables, calendar information and forms are available via ScotchLife. Please note that some subjects require enrolment via Operoo. For more information about the Performing Arts Co-Curricular program, timetables or guidelines, please contact the Performing Arts Secretary on 08 8274 4210 or via

Head of Theatre Arts
Nicola Triglau

8274 4240

Head of Music
Wes Brice