
The Gratton Society

Your Will. Their Future

The Gratton Society

Your Will. Their Future

The Gratton Society was established in 1997 to recognise and honour members of our community who have confirmed their intention to include the Scotch College Foundation or Scotch College Adelaide in their Will.

The Gratton Society is named in honour of Mr Norman Gratton CBE who was Scotch’s first and longest serving Headmaster from 1919 to 1951. Norman Gratton was revered by many and his influence, unquestioned leadership and educational principles were instrumental in making Scotch the leading educational institution it is today.

Gratton Society members hold a special place in the life of our school and remain engaged in various activities and special events. Members share a passion for providing students with the very best educational opportunities and to securing the future of Scotch for generations to come.

If you have made provision for either the Scotch College Foundation or Scotch College Adelaide in your Will, we encourage you to notify us so we can invite you to become a custodian of the Gratton Society.

Custodians of the Gratton Society

Scotch is grateful for all members of the Gratton Society for their commitment in providing for the future of the College. We also acknowledge those donors who wish to remain anonymous.

† Deceased

Mr P Abeles† Mr J Little OAM
Mr A Angus Miss C Llewellyn-Smith
Mrs S Angus† Prof I Llewellyn-Smith
Mr R Arrowsmith† Dr M Llewellyn-Smith AM
Mrs D Barron-Davis Mr R Love†
Mr D Bell Mrs M Love†
Mr A Bhattacharjee Ms H Lowrie
Mr R Blanchard† Mr G Mayfield†
Mr N Blight† Mr R McEwin†
Dr I M H Camens† Mrs A Merrylees
Mr J Camens Mr W Merrylees
Mrs J Camens Mr M Neck†
Mrs S Chase AM Mr P Neighbour
Mrs C Clayton† Mr A Nunn
Mr J Clayton† Mr A Osmond†
Mr J Cleghorn† Mrs M Osmond
Mrs M Cottle Mr R Pentelow†
Mr R Cottle† Dr A Pouw-Bray
Mr R Coxon Mr E Raggatt†
Dr R Craig OAM Mr S Rickards
Mrs P Davidson† Mr R Ross-Smith
Ms A Dimos Mr P Routley AM
Mr J Duggin Mr G Sandford
Mr C Dutton† Mrs M Sandford
Mr A Edmonds-Wilson Dr A Seymour
Mr D Freebairn† Ms T Siekmann
Mr J Freebairn† Mrs C Smith
Mr A R Freeman Mr K Smith†
Mrs P J Freeman Mr M Smith
Mr J Gardiner† Ms M Stevens†
Mr F Goldman† Mr M Taylor†
Ms A Gozalo Mr P Trumble†
Dr M Gratton† Mr S Van Staveren†
Mr G Gratton† Mr J Walker
Mr P Griffiths Mr J Walter
Mr C Hamilton† Mr F Warwick†
Mr M Harrington Mr K Webb
Dr J Harris Mrs D White†
Mr J Harvey Mr J White†
Mr J Hosking Mr S Williams†
Mr C Humble Ms R Wilson
Mr A Just Mr J Wood
Mr T Kidman Mr T Wood†
Mr J Kramer Mr R Worth†
Mrs L Kramer Dr H Zelling AO CBE QC†
Director of Philanthropy
Rebecca Healy

08 8274 4305