
The Webb Society

The impact of sustained giving

The Webb Society

The impact of sustained giving

The Webb Society was established in 2018 to recognise and celebrate sustained giving to the Scotch College Foundation over 15 years or more, no matter the size of the gift.

Named in honour of former Principal, Mr Ken Webb, for his significant contribution to giving at Scotch over 35 years, members of the Webb Society have cumulatively contributed over $3 million in gifts to the Foundation, leaving an indelible mark on the College’s landscape.

Webb Society Members

We thank and honour the following members of the Webb Society.

Mrs C Alderman Mr M Landau
Mr B  and Mrs J Arnold Mr R and Mrs U Lawrence
Mr A Bensimon OAM and Mrs N Bensimon Dr M Llewellyn-Smith AM and Prof I Llewellyn-Smith
Mr H and Mrs A Bone Mr J Longmire and Mrs C Longmire†
Mr D and Mrs J Bourne Ms F Lyons-Reid and Mr A Harris
Mr C J Brooks† Mr J and Mrs R Maine
Ms G Budich Dr D and Mrs S Mann
Mr J and Mrs J Camens Mr B Marshall
Mr P Camens and Dr A Padbury Mr G Mayfield†
Mr B Charlton † and Mrs D Charlton Mr W Mayfield† and Mrs L Mayfield
Mrs S Chase AM Mr K Maynard
Mr A and Mrs S Colyer Mr A and Mrs L Mitchell
Mrs M Cottle Mr R and Mrs D Mollison
Dr R Craig OAM and Mrs J Craig Mr M Neck†
Mr R Dyson and Mrs J Dyson† Mr W  and Mrs J Newbegin
Mrs V Edwards Mr P Paterson † and Mrs S Paterson
Mr W and Mrs B Fargher Mr L Pawson OAM† and Mrs R Pawson†
Mrs S Farrington and Mr C Hill Mr A Pink and Mrs F Pink†
Mr D and Mrs C Ford Mr S Rickards
Mr D Freebairn† and Mrs M Freebairn Mr J and Mrs C Robinson
Mr A and Mrs P Freeman Mr M and Mrs R Rodenburg
Mr A and Mrs S Fuller Mr P Routley AM
Mr A Gardner Dr A and Mrs S Saies
Mr B Gibson† Mr P Santos
Mr G Gordon† Mr G and Mrs M Sauer
Mr J Grant Mr B Sawley and Mrs R Sawley†
Mr P and Mrs R Griffiths Mr P Sharman†
Ms T Hanel Mr J and Mrs P Simpson
Mr M and Mrs M Harrington Mr F Slade
Mrs C Heard Mr D and Mrs A Smallacombe
Mr G Heard OAM Mr R Spencer AM and Mrs T Spencer
Mr J Heard AM† and Mrs A Heard Mr J Thomson†
Mr R and Mrs D Hill Mr H P C Trumble†
Prof C Holmes-Liew and Prof M Holmes Dr N Vrodos and Dr A Galanopoulos
Mr T and Mrs V Hughes Mr J and Dr D Walter
Mr I Jamieson and Mrs M Kelton Mr K and Mrs L Webb
Mr A Jarvis Mr S White
Mrs J Jeffries Mr R and Mrs D Willson
Mr A and Mrs A Just Mr J and Mrs M Wood
Mr A J and Mrs N Key Mr R and Mrs J Young
Mr J and Mrs L Kramer
Director of Philanthropy
Rebecca Healy

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