We come to the end of Term 3, when we are winding up so many activities that are tied to the winter months, and starting to look ahead to summer sport and a range of signature programs that run at the College in Term 4.

I have had the privilege of being at a breadth of events that celebrate the end of the winter sports season, celebrating both the successes and the camaraderie that our diverse sport program creates. At the Senior Soccer Dinner, Mr Ritson (Head of Senior School) farewelled the departing Year 12 players, and asked them to reflect on what they will take away. He noted it was not going to be memories of scorelines and penalties or shots that sailed over the bar, but of the friendships and connections and enjoyment that is part-and-parcel with playing team sport. When we celebrate a season, as much as celebrating success on the court of field, we should be celebrating our real take-aways.

Giving Day 2024: Thank You

Thank you to the Scotch Community for their extraordinary support of our 2024 Giving Day, which will allow us to establish a Community Scholarship for a student who otherwise would not be able to attend the College. Over 460 individual donors helped us pass our target of $500,000, a remarkable statement of the way our College values the impact that we can have on young people in the years and generations ahead.

2025 Student Leaders

It has been a privilege to be involved in the selection of our Year 12 student leaders for 2025. Announced at assembly today, my congratulations go to:

  • College Captains: Amy Wallace and Patrick Keenan
  • Vice Captains: Roxy Tyler and Asher Gordon

SAT Leaders:
Community Partnerships: Farah Usman
Student Wellbeing: Hugo Spurrier
Middle School: Rosie Moorhouse
Mitcham Campus: Faith Mons

House Captains:
Cameron: Rosie McMahon and Sam Starling
Campbell: Adelaide chapman and Seb Lowe
Douglas: Eddy Whitton and Ollie Ryder
Gordon: George McGowan and Lucy Stirling
McGregor: Izzy Naish and Henry Barrington-Case
Stewart: Sophia Jackson and Charlie Poland

Performing Arts (Theatre Arts): Stevie Schwarz
Performing Arts (Music): Imogen Kopias
Boarding Captains: Olivia Baker and Oli Pern
International Students: Alvin Tsang
Sport Captains: Hattie Tyrer and Will Goldstone
Media Captain: Louis Patterson

Summer Uniform

As we transition into the summer terms, please check uniform for appropriate size and wearability over the term break. A reminder that we have shorts for all students available and when students have PE or are arriving at school in PE kit they should wear Scotch sports socks not the grey school sock or any other type of sock. I

Our uniform is a sign of pride in the school. We have the expectation that students leave home dressed appropriately for the school day and not wait for comment on their appearance by a teacher before they do something about it. As we move into Term 4 we will be having direct conversations with students around uniform, and ask that parents support those from home.

I look forward to seeing our students as Term 4 commences. I hope that, as Mrs Johnson discussed at today’s assembly, everyone can take time to disconnect from technology, reframe their thinking, and find space to be reflective and creative. There is benefit in being bored, so often it can spark us to imagine wonderful things.

Trent Driver